Encouraging private sector development in Sierra Leone

  • Status:
  • Ongoing
  • Funder:
  • FCDO
  • Partner:
  • Cadmus
  • Years:
  • 2023-2025
  • Key Policy Areas:
  • Business EnvironmentCarbon CreditsGreen Financing
  • Type of Support:
  • Coalition BuildingPolicy Influencing Support

Invest Salone (ISL) partners with businesses and Business Membership Organisations (BMOs) to both improve the business environment in Sierra Leone and increase investment.  Kivu is an integrated part of the ISL team – we support the private sector to influence Government of Sierra Leone policies.   

Initially Kivu provided strategic advice to ISL on how to design a higher-impact policy-influencing programme.  This included advice on politically-informed “issue selection” and programme design—including combining strategic prioritisation with a highly adaptive approach to policy engagement. 

A strategic priority has been Carbon Credits. Kivu advises the ISL team on shaping the policy and regulatory environment to maximise the potential of Carbon Credits in Sierra Leone. Kivu also provides responsive support on short-term projects responding to opportunities for change.  One example was highly adaptive post-election policy engagement with new reform minded ministers.  

Key Impacts:
  • Effective private sector coordination and policy engagement achieve through the creation of the Carbon Forum—a group containing all the leading private sector players.
  • Ongoing mentoring and advice for local Sierra Leonian researchers and Cadmus programme team members. 
  • Support for rapid responsive government engagement through a series of Ministerial Briefing notes—and follow-up meetings by ISL— after the post-election cabinet reshuffle.